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Impact of Corona Virus COVID-19 on Digital media and Online marketing

The global health crisis is spreading all around the world due to novel coronavirus COVID 19. Global markets are affecting all around the world and the governments around the globe are trying to prevent the spreading of this virus by closing public spaces, borders, offices and all the educational institutes. Being contagious and the way it is transmitting among humans is creating fear around the globe. Social distancing and a stay at home with some safety measures can only prevent this virus from vast spreading.

Uncertain conditions due to coronavirus

We can say this pandemic virus is affecting each and everything in our lives like our way of working, lifestyle, our priorities, and the way we were spending money. Each and every pattern of our life is being affected. The same is the case in the business industry. Almost all of the people are working from home. Purchasing and selling ratios are also disturbed. There are great impacts on different industries like traditional marketing, digital marketing, advertising, entertainment, travel, and FMCG.

Role of Digital Media and Digital Marketing

Here in this blog, we will specifically talk about the impact of this COVID 19 on digital marketing and digital media with all aspects. As I already discussed above, the corona has bad effects not only on human lives but also it is affecting the world's economies very immensely. Businesses are getting closed and have a truly very bad impact. In this scenario, the digital marketing agencies, technology providers and e-commerce businesses are trying to run all their services through online operations as their dealing was already through the internet but it doesn't mean that it has no impact on digital marketing. They are also facing a lot of challenges in their field.

In this whole scenario marketing fields are going through an epidemic change as people are less traveling so the traditional media sources like billboards and other outdoor off screen media are less working and digital media services are at its peak because most of the people are using their smartphones and electronic gadgets as ever before. So digital marketing is working for all the businesses at that time.

Digital Opportunities

All this current situation has changed the lifestyle of the consumers as they are spending more and more time on the internet so there is also a shift in marketing trends. Digital marketing is acting as the best performing business terrain and protecting the businesses digitally against the consequences and bad impact of coronavirus.

Popularity of online Advertisement

Due to complete lockdown in different parts of the world people are restricted to their home as their consumption toward digital media is increasing day by day according to their requirements. As patterns differ from person to person. If this pandemic will last long then there is an assumption that it will have a good impact on digital media and digital marketing services all over the world. There is also a precedent demand of telecommunication carriers, programming services as well as data hosting services in this situation.

If we talk about digital media marketing them according to some recent reports it is clear that traditional media marketing is facing a decline while digital marketing through online advertising is growing very fast. Digital marketing is focusing on making the relevant strategies to attain maximum outputs through digital media and digital media services.

There is some data all over the world showing the current extreme usage of digital media according to different patterns.

  • Social media usage has been increased by about 50% between the months of January and March.
  • 20% increase of almost all the user’s engagement in chats, spending time on news websites and other social media networks.
  • According to the Financial Times, there is a 40% increase in downloading the app as compared to the whole year of 2019 in these two months.

Long term and short term impacts through digital marketing

According to these facts, there is a rise in digital media usage but the question is that for now, it has a great impact on digital media as well as digital marketing but what will be the long terms impact if this pandemic will be long-lasting?

Here the digital media persons and the marketers need to take some short term or long term adaptations. First, if we talk about digital media then it needs to be a changed and developed advanced content strategy in order to achieve maximum growth throughout this pandemic. But there is another challenge too. If this situation will prevail for a long time then it would be difficult to mage the resources that are going to manage the digital media business together.

Now come to digital media services and all the digital marketing in Pakistan, most of the marketers are changing their long term and short term media strategies. There is a paradigm shift of marketing budget from offline media to online due to the current situation and maximum digital media consumption all over the world.

There is a cut in the marketing budget as billboard ads as well as outdoor advertising is no more efficient. Even marketing has almost stopped in this situation so the marketers are using more flexible channels like digital display ads, social media as well as online videos to efficiently reach your potential customers. Some B2B brands are also using digital advertising to generate more leads.

In this uncertain situation, online services are gaining more popularity in health services, food deliveries, grocery deliveries, and online news outlets. All of them spending on digital advertising and online marketing to attain maximum outputs.


Today a strong online presence is very much important. Digital solutions and digital marketing all over the world in almost every industry are the hope of growth in this uncertain situation. Digital marketing in Pakistan is also fully focussed on digital online opportunities for maximum growth.
